Filter, Stone Temple Pilots and Linkin Park are such different bands it seems unlikely they would have anything in common and yet this combination of styles seems to mix perfectly. Why does it work so well?
Bennington: A genre that we all fit under, Filter, STP and Linkin Park, would be the "alternative" umbrella, which is what makes the alternative moniker funny in a lot of ways. In LP, we've prided ourselves as being a band that has no genre bounds, because we do pop music, rock, hip-hop, metal, dub-step... We do whatever the f--- we want to. If I walk into the studio with a banjo and some jugs and write a song that's awesome, we're going to find a way to make that work with Linkin Park. STP is a good, solid rock and roll band. It's sexy; it's got groove, energy and attitude; there's melody; it's got all those things that make rock great, but it's modern, which is how it fits into the alternative side.
Patrick: I would say Linkin Park is way more electronic and more broad; for Filter, I think of us as modern rock. That's a massive canvas to paint in. Although we use electronics and samplers, it's still always written around a guitar.