• 締切済み


 今まで夜更かしをし、食事の時間などもバラバラで、これでは健康にもよくないので、 これからはちゃんと決めた時間にご飯を食べ、夜更かしはなるべくしないようにします。 健康的な生活さえできれば、遅刻や「まあいいや。」という精神的な諦めによる 無断欠席がなくなるはずです。おのずとやる気が出て、授業で居眠りをするということもなくなり、 身が入り、真剣に授業を受けることができます。性格も意識して直し、心身共にしっかりとした 人間になるように努力します。 どなたか英訳お願いします;


  • kyuhan
  • ベストアンサー率23% (43/181)

Because I stay up late, and I am scattered, and I am healthy in this, and the time for meal is not good so far, too either, I eat rice at the time when I selected it as properly and prevent you from doing staying up late if possible from now on. If even healthy life is possible; tardy "まあいいや." It depends on という mind-like reconciliation A truantry should disappear. Without a motivation is given naturally, and dozing off by a class, I concentrate and can take a class seriously. I was conscious and got over the character and did mind and body well together I make an effort to become a human being.

  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

I have stayed late and did not have meals at irregular time. This is not good for my health. So from now on, I would like to have meals at regular time, and would not stay late whenever possible. If I can lead a healthy life, I believe I will not be late for school, or I will not have some excused absence saying to myself, "It could not be helped." I could have more effort in my life, and I would not doze off in class, but rather I would listen to class seriously. I will try to change my personality for better, and I will try my best to be sound in mind and body. 以上、いかがでしょうか。

