英文解釈について質問があります。(2) 12/3
In how much were the experiences from your solo- and collaborational efforts directly beneficial to this process?
Stefan Németh: I think I have learned from some productions that I should try really hard to be satisfied with what I do. This sometimes means that you have to find out where the weak points in your track are. Basically it is about being honest to yourself and if you are not happy than you have to do it again and again, even if it is not always a pleasant process to discard some parts of the music or even a track. But in the end this gives me a much better feeling with the final version.
Florian Kmet: I refined the recording process, improved my gear and the use of different instruments during the work on my last solo CD and other projects. Personally, I come back to lokai with a clear head, when I have done something fruitful with another project. Then I feel more open to go into this special sound cosmos, and enjoy to work on those details and structures.
1.疑問文のIn how muchの部分の文法の構造を教えて下さい。
2.I think I have learned from some productions that I should try really hard to be satisfied with what I do.
意味は、何曲かを通して学ぶ事が出来たと思う。その何曲かというのは、自分が満足するために本当に真剣にトライするべき何曲ってことだよ。 こういうことが言いたいのでしょうか?
3.Basically it is about being honest to yourself and if you are not happy than you have to do it again and again, even if it is not always a pleasant process to discard some parts of the music or even a track.
この文章ですが、if you are~と even if~に対する主文はどれでしょうか?it is about being~ ここですか? それと全体の意味はどうなりますか?
4.Then I feel more open to go into this special sound cosmos, and enjoy to work on those details and structures.