none of them と none of whichの使い分けというか、違いが分からず困っています…
お願いしますm(_ _)m
The two possible forms are:
1. The Consumer Council has tested 300 types of hair-dryers, none of which passed the safety tests.
When, in a sentence, you add further information to what you have just written, we can use a non-defining clause beginning with a preposition,
So:"..300 types of hair-dryers, none of which passed the safety tests.
or "300 types of hair-dryers, of which none passed the safety tests.
"The young remain in the pouch for 7 weeks, by which time they have grown..."
In your sentence, 'which' is a relative pronoun referring directly back to "300 types of hair-dryers"
2. The Consumer Council has tested 300 types of hair-dryers, and none of them passed the safety tests.
Here, the 'additional information' is given in a linking clause beginning with 'and'. We could have written:
"The Consumer Council has tested 300 types of hair-dryers, and none/not one passed the safety tests."
To use 'none of them' without the linking conjuction 'and', we would have to write:
The Consumer Council has tested 300 types of hair-dryers, none of them passing the safety tests.
Check that in typing your full sentence above, you did not omit the 'and'.
Otherwise, I also cannot understand why the 'preferred' answer is 'none of them'.
なるほど! ありがとうございます。