• 締切済み

比較 英語に直して下さい。

1 日本の秋は春と同じくらい美しい 。 2 信濃川は日本の他のどの川よりも 長い。 3 千葉さんはクラスの中で一番水泳 が上手い。 4 中国の面積は日本の約25倍,人口 (population)は約10倍です。 5 私はできるだけ早く歩きましたが ,他の誰にもついていけませんでし た。 ついていく(keep up with)


  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

1. In Japan fall is as beautiful as spring. 2. The Shinano is longer than any other river in Japan. 3. Chiba is the best swimmer in her class. 4. Compared to Japan, China is about 25 times larger in size and about 10 times larger in population. 5. I walked as fast as I could, but I could not keep up with anyone else.



有り難うございましたm(_ _)m


1 Autumn is as beautiful as spring in Japan. 2 Shinano River is longer than any other river in Japan. 3 Chiba is the best swimmer in her class. 4 China is about twenty-five times as large as Japan, and has about ten times as large poplutaion (as Japan). 5 I walked as fast as possible, but I did not keep up with anyone. I walked as fast as I could, but was able to keep up with nobody.  I walked as fast as possible, never to keep up with anybody. ※三文を混ぜて別の文を作ることもできます。



有り難うございましたm(_ _)m