I'm listening to my 5-year-old read. She's working her way through Syd Hoff's Sammy the Seal.
Although she struggles with the word "know,"
she gets halfway through the book before deciding it's time for a break.
I am thrilled with her reading, delighted with her teacher and see this as empirical evidence of my
child's geniusThe words
"You are so smart" are forming.And then I stop.I don't say them.
I am thinking, instead, of the discussion happening around the country about praise and its effects
on children.
Most American parents feel that children need self-confidence to mature and achieve greatness.
And telling kids they are smart is part of the ticket to that future success.
Exactly when this notion became part of the American child-rearing scene isn't clear.
わたしもknowの辺りの解釈に詰まっていたので 助かりました!! ありがとうございました!