Living in Monterrey and the Current Situation in Mexico
Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, known as 'la ciudad de las montañas', is facing challenges with violence, despite its beautiful scenery.
The recent presidential election in Mexico resulted in a winner that the speaker did not support, highlighting the democratic process.
The speaker expresses pride in being born in Mexico and invites the listener to share their own job.
日本語にしてください( ^_^)
よろしくお願いします(>_< )
mm... well... I donn´t know.. to be honest no one have ask me this?...
Well.. Lets begin.. To be more specific Im from Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico... Its called " la ciudad de las montañas" its something like the city of montains. The people said that protect us form storms and twisters and that kind of stuff. We just choose our new president, the last weekend we vote to choose them. I dont like much the winner, actually I vote for the other but that is how works... Right now we are coming throught some really bad moment as country, the violence is every where. Besides that it´s probably the most beautifull country in America. Im very proud to be born here ;)...
And so tell me something about you,,, What do you do for job?...
えーと、まず最初に、もう少し詳しく言うと、ぼくは、メキシコのヌエボ・レオン州モントレーの人です。ここはla ciudad de las montañasと呼ばれてて、山の都市みたいな意味かな。みんなは、山のおかげで嵐や竜巻から守られているとか言ってます。ぼくらは、新しい大統領を選んだところです。先週末に選挙がありました。ぼくは、当選した人があんまり好きじゃなくて、実際別の人に投票したんだけど、選挙ってそんなものだし…今この国は調子が悪いです。あちこちで暴力沙汰が起きてるし。そのことを別にすれば、この国はアメリカ大陸で一番美しい国で、ぼくはこの国に生まれたことをとても誇りに思っています(ウインク)