• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語で日記)

I'm a prowrestling fan.

  • I watched a prowrestling fight on TV today. Tanahashi challenger VS Okada champion a fight. That was an exciting fight. And the fight made me excited. Tanahashi beat Okada champion by close fight! Congratulations on the victory!
  • Today I watched a thrilling prowrestling fight on TV between Tanahashi and Okada. It was a close battle and Tanahashi emerged victorious. I was really excited while watching the match and I congratulate Tanahashi on his win!
  • As a fan of prowrestling, I watched an intense fight between Tanahashi and Okada on TV today. The match was filled with excitement and suspense, and in the end, Tanahashi emerged as the winner. I'm thrilled with Tanahashi's victory and congratulate him on his impressive performance!


  • ベストアンサー
  • ennalyt
  • ベストアンサー率29% (398/1331)

英和辞典をしょっちゅう読むようにすると効くよ。 和英ちゃうからね。 引くんじゃなくて、読む。 例文が出てるでしょう。 これが意外とアタマに残りやすい。 なんでかな~ 添削でなくてごめんね。



アドバイス有難う御座います! 例文は日記つける時も役立ちますし一石二鳥ですね。出来るだけ読んでみます!
