英字新聞翻訳 添削のお願い1
(1)WASHINGTON (AFP) – Climate change has stunted the worldwide increase in corn and wheat yields since 1980 by 3.8 and 5.5 percent respectively, according to a new study in the journal Science.
(2)Without global warming, total harvests of both crops would have been significantly larger than they were, the statistical analysis found.
(3)The shortfall equals the annual yield of corn in Mexico, some 23 metric tonnes, and wheat in France, about 33 metric tonnes.
(4)One of the country's with the largest crop loss was Russia, where wheat production fell some 15 percent.
(5)The study estimates that the global drop-off in production may have caused a six percent hike in consumer food prices since 1980, some $60 billion per year.
(2)地球温暖化なしに,2つの作物の全収穫量は著しくthere wereより大きく統計的に発見された.不足は,例年のメキシコのとうもろこしの収量約23tおよびフランスの小麦の33tに匹敵する
トウモロコシの生産地にブラジルがありました。 暑いほうがいいのですね。 ありがとうございました。