(1)I had a sister who had diabetes.She died when she was 39. If she had lived a century ago, she would have been dead by the age of 14. Had she been born today, she probably would have lived a full life because gene therapy would soon be able to replace her defective ganes. My parents told me Andrea had diabetes when I was a high school student in California. And later, I learned Andrea would have the disease forever and would be taking shots every day of her life so she could live. I knew it was serious. Without insulin, Andrea's cells would die even though she had plenty of suger in her blood. Each day she would measure her suger level and them inject insulin into her thigh.
(2)Time passed, and I went to Colorado Callege. Andrea went to the University of Southern California. I think that USC was a good choice for her. She went to classes, parties, and maintained her California blonde good looks. She graduated, married a lawyer-to-be, adopted a child because of repeated miscarriages due to her diabetes, and got divorced-a typical American story except for the diabetes.
(3)Andrea, along with the rest of my family, remainded in California while I was moving about the country getting an education, as well as being a wife and mother of two children. I settled on the opposite side of the country in Buffalo, New York.
(4)One day Andrea came to Buffalo. We soon learned she was going blind. She told us that only an operation would help her eyes. Her physicians did not hold out much hope because of her lifelong treatment with inslin; although it had saved her life, it had also caused malfunctioning in her circulatory system. Her eyes were only part of the problem; her entire cardiovascular system was compromised. The operation, in fact, would be dangerous.
(5)My sister was adament. She had tired going to classes designed to help patients who were going blind. She said she would rather be dead than blind. She was going forward with the operation, which would be in a couple of weeks.
(6)Andrea died on the operating table at the age of 39. It was cardiac arrest, not an uncommon fate for diabetics whose cardiovascular systems were compromised. She had visited me to say goodbye-except I did not know it.
質問に回答していただき有難うございました。 質問投稿語、何度か、例文を聞き直しほぼ解決しました。 #6.angkolwhatさん、#7.cbm51901さん、#8.SPS700さんのおっしゃるように、... job because ... の[b]の音の job の語尾が飲み込まれたようになっていること、それと、job の、[ヂョ]の音が、私の認識よりも強いのが原因だったようです。片仮名では、表記が難しいのですが、 quits her job because [クィッツァチョ□ビコーズ](□は、かすかなポーズ) のように聞こえたので困惑したのだと思います。 例文ですから、実際の会話等で、もっと聴きとりにくいことがあることからすれば、自身の勉強不足を痛感しています。 私は、留学経験はおろか海外旅行の経験もなく、田舎町でなんとなく長く英語を勉強しているので、「読む・書く」も決して良くないですが、「話し・聴く」は、特にお粗末だなと思っています。 また、学生時代のころは、英語の音声教材の値段が高く、つい、安価で質の高いNHKの語学講座を利用してきましたので、NHKに採用されたネイティブの方と少し違う発音だと戸惑う時があります。PCを始めてから(まだ初心者ですが)ネット上の無料の音声付きの教材に狂喜しております。歳も歳ですので、もう伸び白はあまりない様にも思いますが、ぼつぼつ英語の勉強を続けていこうと思っています。 #3.marbleshitさん、#6.angkolwhatさん、#7.cbm51901さん、#8.SPS700さん、は、常連の方ですので、何かよく存じ上げている方のような錯覚を起こします。 BAは、皆さんに差し上げるべきなのですが、そうもいきませんので、2度までも回答を投稿下さった、lanlanlan1990さんにさせていただくこととしました。 皆さんに、同文のお礼ですが、これで失礼させていただきます。