The reason I am breaking up with you is not your fault, its all my fault.
I got lonely when you went away on a ship so I was seeing my ex boyfriend sometimes.
I am really sorry.
My period stopped around last July and i went to see a doctor because I was ill and the doctor said it must be because I am stressed over relationship or work so I was taking medication. But my work was busy and I didn't go to hospital after that even though I was ill.
I've quit job in October.
Lately my womb started to hurt and yesterday I went to see a doctor with my mother yesterday.
Im pregnant and it's around 4months.
I don't know if its your baby or my ex boyfriend's. This is my first time getting pregnant and I wanted to give birth and raise the baby but I am still young and I don't have enough savings. Even if I gave birth, the baby is going to have no father and feel lonely about it.
I regret all the actions i made in the past. I have to abort the baby for my own excuse and I've also done horrible things to you.
I am really sorry.