• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英訳よろしくお願いします。)


  • 文化祭は高校生活で楽しい思い出になりました。装飾や部活の試合、クラスのイベントなど盛りだくさんの内容でした。
  • 高校生たちの手で作られた装飾には驚きました。グラウンドで行われた部活の試合で緊張しましたが、勝利することができ、活躍もできました。
  • クラスのイベントではお化け屋敷を担当し、多くのお客さんに来ていただけてうれしかったです。後夜祭でのダンスやコンサートは感動的でした。来年も素晴らしい文化祭にしたいです。


  • ベストアンサー
  • qualheart
  • ベストアンサー率41% (1451/3486)

The school festival becomes the most pleasant memory in my high school life. When I came to the school on the first day of the festival, I was very surprised at the decorations in the campus. It seemed like the different place in those two days during the festival. I was really impressed by that those decorations could be done just by high school students. As I saw them, I became interested to work the decorations. The attached photo is the decorated school gate. On the first day, I had a game of my sport club in the school field. There were many audiences so I got little nervous, but I enjoyed the game because we won it and I done pretty well. On the second day, I worked for the event put on by our class. Our class put on a haunted house. I worked as a doorman. I was very happy that many people enjoyed our haunted house. In addition, we got a newcomer awards in the festival. I celebrated the award by my classmates. We also had a night party on the final day. At the party, I was very impressed by the dances and concert put on by senior students. I wish that we can have a great festival enjoyed by not only the customers but also ourselves in the next year.
