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NHK NEWS buturikko1さん
こういう質問欄の使い方をしていいのかどうか分かりませんが、質問者:"buturikko1"さま -日付:2011-10-04 20:57:38の「NHKWORLD NEWS」に関して、実際にNHKに以下のように質問したところ、次のように返事をもらいました。やはり"whom"は"who"にしなければいけないとのことでした。すっきりされるとうれしいです。 ------(NHKさまから) Dear [私の名前] Thank you for your mail and your inquiry concerning the use of word in our news text. The text you referred to is not the exact text spoken by Mr. Obama, and we are sorry that it should have been "who" instead of "whom". Thank you again, and we hope that you would continue to watch NHK WORLD TV. Regards, NHK WORLD ------- Original Message (私の)------- 2011-10-05 17:58:00 Hi! May I ask you a question about the NHKWORLD news script entlitle d "Poll:Obama may lose 2012 presidential election; Tuesday, October 04, 2011 11:39 +0900 (JST)" The last paragraph said like this;"He stressed that the next election is going to be about whom the American public believes shares their values and that the people still back his approach to governing." Could I take "whom" on the first line for "who"? I don't think it makes any sense if I take it as it is. Actually on some Q&A site somebody asked this question. When I heard the news, he didn't say anything to that effect. Only on the script I found this "whom." I think this is grammatically wrong and that it should be "who." If you have time to spare, your response will be appreciated. Thank you.
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