何か新人のFDX VAのパイロットさんとかがこのコミュニティー内でトラブルを起こしたのでしょうか?
日本語に翻訳して頂けませんでしょうか? オンラインで管制官と英語で交信する英語力はあるのですがほとんど定型文になっているのでリスニングとスピーキングともほぼ問題ないのですが、まだ長文となると私の英語力の至らなさで申し訳ないです
FDX=FedEx VA=Virtual airline ATC=Airtraffic Control
Recently, we have had several new pilots join our VA, and particularly the
Memphis Hub, in the last few weeks--to those I again wish to say
"Welcome". I hope your time here will be enjoyable.
Often times newer pilots to a VA are intimidated by the various
requirements within the VA itself or online flying in general. Some may
be intimidated having to deal with ATC, flying when ATC is offline, filing
a PIREP, language issues, etc. Let me assure you I have been there and
understand any hesitations you may have. That’s why I have volunteered to
be in this position within the FDXVA, to assist you all in maneuvering
through the system.
If at any time, anyone wishes to contact me for assistance, by all means
please do so. If there is anything that you are not clearly understanding
or need a mentor to assist you through the system, the easiest way to
address these are to request a meeting on TeamSpeak and let us work
through these items together. There are private rooms within TeamSpeak
the two of us can go to if you feel the need for privacy. Again, I have
been there and completely understand that flying in the VA world can often
times be intimidating but let me assure you that once you get started it
is a blast.
If any of you more experienced pilots would like to offer your services as
a mentor, please let me know. At times I may not be available as I travel
a great amount in the RW; it would be nice to have a couple others step in
to serve this function if needed.