• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英訳できるひとはいらっしゃいませんか?)


  • 英訳できる人を探しています。
  • 最近注目しているSNSはFacebookです。
  • Facebookは国際的な利用者数が多く、ビジネスの可能性もある。


  • ベストアンサー
  • satsuki_7
  • ベストアンサー率72% (13/18)

こんにちは。 お役にたてればと思い英訳を致しましたが、文章が長くなればなるほど kirin0423さんが意図していることと趣旨がずれる可能性があります。 再度お読み頂いて部分的にでもご自身の言葉に置き換えられた方が よいかもしれません。 <和訳> Today, many social network services (SNS) are popular, but the one I am most interested in is “Facebook”. “Facebook” is an SNS which is run by facebook.inc. in the United States. This is especially popular abroad and in July 21st, 2010, the users finally increased up to 500 million people. This is a biggest SNS community in the world. In 2008, the Japanese version came out. The most fascinating point is that the users can contact each other by using real names and exchange information they need. “Mixi” is a popular SNS in Japan. It also started their service in 2004, the same year “Facebook” started theirs. As same as “Facebook”, the SNSs in Japan such as “Mixi” have many assigned users that are exchanging information with other users. Then what is the difference between SNSs in Japan and “Facebook”? First, the area they are used. “Mixi” is mainly used in Japan but “Facebook” is used all over the world. In “Facebook”, of course communicating with Japanese is possible, but it also enables users to communicate with people abroad. Secondly, the biggest difference is that users use their real names in “Facebook”. In “Mixi”, people use their nicknames but on the other hand, “Facebook” only accepts users to use real names. What is more, by showing where they are from, where they live, schools they graduated from, or where they work, it makes it easier for others to search their friends. Lastly, “Facebook” not only provides a chance to interact with others but also gives the users an opportunity for business relationships. It is a good tool for small and medium sized enterprises because it enables them to make an appeal to the world very easily and with low cost. Advertising their technologies to the people around the world would also be possible. If one can use the strong connections within “Facebook”, word of mouth information would become an effective element. Moreover, if Japanese used more of “Facebook” or see more of the outside world than the domestic SNSs, international communication would be possible. 全体的に簡単な単語しか使っておりませんが、自然な英文にしたつもりです。 一つの例としてご参考にして頂けたら幸いです。



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