• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:何卒お力をお貸し下さい!英訳です!)


  • 私が絵を描くことを始めたきっかけはコンピューターを使い始めたことでした。しかし、コンピューターに頼りすぎることで既視感のある作品が生まれる可能性があると懸念しています。
  • 現代の日常には様々な物が溢れかえっているため、想像力や創造力を失ってしまい、ゼロから表現することが難しくなっていると感じています。
  • 私は数百年後でも人々に訴えかけられる作品を創りたいと考えており、日々精進しています。


  • ベストアンサー
  • slippery
  • ベストアンサー率85% (6/7)

どうぞ~ I originally taught myself to draw/paint, and started using computers around the age of 20. At the time I thought that by using computers I might “widen the breadth of my expression”, but after all, conveying my expression from my mind through my hand was more reliable, so I separated myself from computers for many years. Now, computers are supporting my creative activity as one kind of tool. However irritating it may be when it takes time to process, human thought shouldn't rival the speed from the mind to the hand, so at such times, I support it. My every day thoughts equate to a fear, that if expression were to rely on computers, déjà vu-filled works would spread throughout the world. Though it might be due to the flow of time, and something we can’t change, I feel that those of us living in this age must manage that flow, and with that search for a new expression. However, today, there is still a trend in creative works and their evaluations in which imitation is glorified and creativity, ignored. As a result, so that our everyday may brim over with various new things, might it be that people are forgetting to imagine, envision, and create--? And that expressing something from nothing is becoming difficult? Because there is such a trend, I think that it is our challenge to create ubiquitous works that can continue unchanged for many hundreds of years. Many eras from now, computers might be treated as a product of the past. And it’s fun to imagine how those people will complain about today’s expressions and works. While thinking of this sort of thing, I, myself, continue to stride forth every day, devoted.



本当にありがとうございます!非常に迅速なご対応感謝致します。 また、何かありましたらよろしくお願い致します!