• ベストアンサー


以下の和文を英訳して頂けないでしょうか。 私の趣味は映画観賞です。なぜなら、様々な物語を知ることが出来るからです。 私が映画を好きになった時期は、高校2年生からです。 色々な映画が好きですが、特に外国の映画がお気に入りです。 物語だけでなく、役者の演技や台詞を味わうことも楽しみの内のひとつです。 意訳などはお任せいたします。 翻訳サイトの使用は控えて頂ければ嬉しいです。お力添えをお願い致します。


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

My hobby is film appreciation because I learn many stories. The time when I came to like film is when I was in the second year of high school. I like all kind of movies, but foreign films are my favorites. Not only the plots but I also appreciate their acting and scripts.


その他の回答 (2)

  • cbm51910
  • ベストアンサー率60% (460/762)

Watching films is my favorite pass time because I get to learn so many different stories through them. My passion towards films grew when I was a second year high school student. I like all sorts of films, but I am especially fond of foreign films. I enjoy not only the story itself, but I also admire the artists' acting and their dialogues.


My favorite pastime is watching movies because I get to know a lot of stories. I was in the second year of high school when I took a liking to movies. I like all kinds of movies, but foreign ones (non-Japanese ones) are especially appealing to me. The story is not the only thing I look for in a movie. I also enjoy the actors' performances and their lines.

