• ベストアンサー


私はESLの授業料である22万をクレジットカードで支払うために、クレジットカード番号をアメリカの大学に教えました。 しかし私のカードの限度額は10万までと今日は知ったので限度額を超えたお金が支払えるようにカード会社に電話して手続きしました。 もしアメリカの大学が先週の金曜に引き落としの手続きをしていたなら22万は支払えてないんじゃないかなぁと思います。それで無事ESLの授業料を支払えたかの確認をしたいのですが、どう英語で説明したらいいのでしょうか?


  • ベストアンサー

カード会社に電話して直接聞いてみるのが一番早い方法と思いますが・・・。 英語での問い合わせなら、下記でいかがでしょう。 Could you kindly confirm if there were any problems in charging your ESL tuition fees to my credit card? I only found out recently that my credit limit was low, and if you had tried to charge my card account last Friday, it may have been rejected. I have now arranged with my credit card company to accept a higher credit limit, so there should no longer be any problems, but I would appreciate if you could confirm the payment status.

その他の回答 (2)

  • boss715
  • ベストアンサー率50% (301/600)

No1です。Withdrawよりもchargeを使ったほうが良いと思うので、書き直します。 I asked you to charge my ESL tuition on my credit card, but I just found out that the maximum allowance limit of my crdit card is about $1000 while you would be charging about $2000. Now, I wonder if you could charge the full amount of the tuition fee on my credit card. I have called my crdit card comapany to raise the limit so you would be able to charge me. I kindly would like to ask you to inform me whether if you could charge on my credit card, or your request was rejected. Thank you in advance, and I am looing forward to hear from you.

  • boss715
  • ベストアンサー率50% (301/600)

上記文章からの情報だけで、書いてみます。 I asked you to withdraw ESL tuition out of my credit card. I just found out that the maximum allowance limit of my crdit card is about $1000. Now, I wonder if you could withdraw the full amount out of the credit card. I have called my crdit card comapany to raise the limit so you would be able to withdraw. I kindly would like to ask you to inform me whether if you could withdraw or your request was rejected. Thank you in advance, and I am looing forward to hear from you.