• ベストアンサー


ガウスの消去法のプログラムを作ったのですがうまく動きません どこが間違っているのでしょう ちなみに連立方程式を解くプログラムです * the numerical solution of linear equation * by gauss method parameter(ll=10) dimension a(ll,ll+1), x(ll) read(5,100) n 100 format(i3) do 150 i = 1, n 150 read(5,200) (a(i,j), j=1, n+1) 200 format(11f4.1) write(6,300) 300 format(' ', 10x, 'coefficient') do 10 i = 1, n write(6,400) (a(i,j), j=1, n+1) 400 format(' ', 11 (5x, f4.1)) 10 continue esp=10.0e-19 call rgaule(a, x, ll, n, esp, ipivot) if (ipivot. eq. 1) go to 20 write(6,500) 500 format(' ', 10x, 'the pivot is little '/ 1 'so the solution is singular') go to 110 20 write(6,600) 600 format(/' ',2x, 8hsolution) write (6,700) (i, x(i), i = 1, n) 700 format (' ',5x, 'x (', i2, ' ) =', 2x, e14.7) 110 stop end subroutine rgaule(a, x, ll, n, esp, ipivot) dimension a(ll, ll+1), x(ll), ln(100) ipivot = 1 * the order of x do 5 i = 1, n ln(i) = i 5 continue do 100 m = 1, n-1 * the selection of pivot amax = 0.0 do 10 i = m, n do 20 j = m, n if (amax. ge. abs(a(i,j))) go to 20 amax = abs(a(i, j)) irow = i icolum = j 20 continue 10 continue if (amax. le. eps) go to 70 if (m. eq. irow) go to 22 * the exchange of row do 27 l = m, n+1 swap = a(irow, l) a(irow, l) = a(m, l) a(m, l) = swap 27 continue 22 if (m. eq. icolum) go to 30 * the exchange of colum do 25 l =1, n swap = a(l, icolum) a(l, icolum) = a(l,m) a(l, m) = swap 25 continue * the exchange of x iswap = ln(m) ln(m) = ln(icolum) ln(icolum) = iswap * gaussian elimination 30 do 35 i = m+1, n do 37 j = m+1, n+1 a(i,j) = a(i,j) - a(i,m) * a(m,j) / a(m,m) 37 continue 35 continue 100 continue if (abs(a(n,n)). le. eps) go to 70 * back subsititution x(n) = a(n, n+1) / a(n,n) kk = ln(n) a(n, kk) = x(n) do 50 i = n-1, 1, -1 k = n-i x(i) = 0.0 do 52 j = 1, k ll = i + j x(i) = a(i, ll) * x(ll) + x(i) 52 continue x(i) = (a(i, n+1) - x(i)) / a(i,i) kk = ln(i) a(n, kk) = x(i) 50 continue do 60 i = 1, n x(i) = a(n, i) 60 continue return 70 ipivot = 0 return end


  • ベストアンサー
  • f272
  • ベストアンサー率46% (8626/18446)

> どこが間違っているのでしょう 例えば call rgauleの次の文 if (ipivot. eq. 1) go to 20 「.eq.」でひとつの単語です。「. eq.」と書いてはいけません。 他にも同様のところが幾つかあります。 do 52の次の文 ll = i + j llはparameterで指定した数値だったはずだけど,ここで変更してもいいのか?
