I like to read novel. Through my life, I read many narratives such as Anne of green gables, X-files and so on. I am given moral, affection, humor and many information by those
paperbooks. therefore, I am very glad to read narrative. Compared with Anne of green
gables, Holes is easy to make out because Holes not so much technical term. I appreciate having the opportunity to read this one. I know that this book is very famous in America.
so, I believe that I can learn many maxims through this book. However, they dig a hole everydays as correction. It is very difficult to anticipation. I would venture to say that the wa
rden look for gold mine or something. I am looking forward to reading.
I like to read novel.→I like to read novels.
I read many narratives.... → I have read many narratives....
paperbooks→paperbacks (のことかな?)
I am very glad to read narrative. →I am very glad to read narratives.
Holes is easy to make out because Holes not so much technical term. → Holes is easy to understand because there are not so many technical terms. ここでは make out という熟語は使わない方がいいです。
I appreciate having the opportunity to read this one.
→I appreciate that I have the opportunity to read this.
so → So
they dig a hole everydays → they dig a hole everyday
It is very difficult to anticipation. → It is very difficult to anticipate.
I would venture to say that →I would venture that
the wa rden → ?
大変丁寧に教えて下さいありがとうございました また是非よろしくお願いします