• ベストアンサー


3.1952945 ↑ Drop everything up to the last 9. The remaining number is 0.45, which, interpreted as a number in base 9, is 41/81. 前半は、一番最後の"9"の部分より前の数を除外しろという意味だから0,45になるのですよね? 後半はどういう意味なのでしょうか? なぜ41/81なのでしょうか? (9進数??) この英文の訳と数学的意味がわかる方、回答よろしくお願いします。


  • ベストアンサー
  • CC-Cue
  • ベストアンサー率62% (5/8)

0.45 を 9進数として解釈すると ってことではないでしょうか。 すると、0.45は 1/9 の位が 4、1/(9^2) の位が5 なので、 4 * 1/9 + 5 * 1/(9^2) となります。

その他の回答 (2)


>なぜ41/81なのでしょうか? (9進数??) ...... 0.45 = 45/100 (10進)ですが、 9進の 45/100 は 10進の 41/81 ですね。 前後が無いので、何の説明か、わかりませんが…。  

  • rnakamra
  • ベストアンサー率59% (761/1282)

"0.45"を9進数であると解釈すると(10進数の分数で)"41/81"になる。 ということです。 0.45(9進)=4/9+5/9^2(10進)=(4*9+5)/81(10進)=41/81(10進) です。 この文章からはこれ以上のことは言えません。 どのような意味を持つかは前の文章を見ないことには理解できません。



みなさん、回答していただき本当にありがとうございます。 実は、この英文は以下の一部です。 "a map R to R that is open but not continuous"に関する英文です。 [原文] As R is homeomorphic to the open interval (0,1), we will define a function f from R to (0,1) that satisfies the requirements. You can then extend it to a function from R to R by composing it with, for example, h(x) = (2x-1)/(x(1-x)) or a similar function. We compute x in the following way: * First, drop the integer part of x - our function will be periodic. * Next, write x in decimal representation. If you have the choice of two representations, for example, 0.5 = 0.4999..., choose the first one. * Find the last digit '9' in the number (if there is no last 9, see below). * Remove all the digits up to and including that '9', and consider the remaining digits. As there will be no '9' among them, you can interpret them as the "decimal" expansion of a number in base 9 - that is your f(x), and it will be between 0 and 1. However, a few things may go wrong: * There may be no 9 at all in the number, or an infinite number of 9 (not necessarily contiguous). * The resulting base 9 number may be 0 or 0.888... = 1 (in base 9) In both of these cases, set f(x) = 0.5 (or any number between 0 and 1). For example, to get f(3.1952945): * Drop everything up to the last 9. * The remaining number is 0.45, which, interpreted as a number in base 9, is 41/81. We claim that the image of any open interval is the whole open interval (0,1), which is an open set. This will show that f is open. Indeed, given an interval I = (a,b), we can find a sub-interval J of length 10^(-k) contained in it, for a suitable k > 1, such that the interval fixes the first (k-1) digits after the decimal point. For example, the interval I = (1.14567, 1.15321) contains the sub-interval J = (1.151, 1.152). Given any y in (0,1), we can find an x in J (and therefore in I) such that f(x) = y. To do that: * write y in base 9 * append a digit 9 to the lower bound of J. * append the base 9 representation of y. For example, with I and J as above, we can find an x such that f(x) = 1/3. * 1/3 in base 9 is 0.3. * The lower bound of J is 1.151. * the number x = 1.15193 satisifies f(x) = y, and belongs to J. Note that there are many other possible numbers, obtained by choosing smaller intervals for J, for example, 1.1512393, and so on. It should also be obvious that f is not continuous (in fact it is in some sense the most discontinuous possible function). Indeed, a function f is continuous at a if, given any open interval K = (f(a)-e,f(a)+e), we can find an open interval J = (a-d,a+d) such that the image of J is a subset of K. But, by what we just saw, the image of any interval is the whole of (0,1). 正直、英語で書かれていて、ところどころ意味がわからなくて、完全に理解したくてもなかなかできないでいます。 この英文の主張を解説していただけたらうれしいのですが・・・。