(315) Be careful……この英文はどのように訳せばよいでしょうか
(1)(ll. 706-714) Be careful to avoid the anger of the deathless gods. Do not make a friend equal to a brother; but if you do, do not wrong him first, and do not lie to please the tongue. (2)But if he wrongs you first, offending either in word or in deed, remember to repay him double; but if he ask you to be his friend again and be ready to give you satisfaction, welcome him. (3)He is a worthless man who makes now one and now another his friend; but as for you, do not let your face put your heart to shame 1336.
この文章は“Works and Days” by Evelyn Whiteの一節です。
(1)(ll. 706-714) Be careful to avoid the anger of the deathless gods. Do not make a friend equal to a brother; but if you do, do not wrong him first, and do not lie to please the tongue.
(1)(ll. 706-714)
(a) do not lie to please the tongueについて
(2)But if he wrongs you first, offending either in word or in deed, remember to repay him double; but if he ask you to be his friend again and be ready to give you satisfaction, welcome him.
wrongの時、repay him doubleと述べているので、契約違反と思われ、
(b) if he wrongs you first, offending either in wordについて
(3)He is a worthless man who makes now one and now another his friend; but as for you, do not let your face put your heart to shame 1336.
as for you 「お前の場合は」でしょうか。根拠は全くありません。
脚注1336; The thought is parallel to that of 'O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath嘘をつく.'
御丁寧に解説して下さいましてありがとうございます。 色々な言い方があるものですね。 参考になりました。