Like so many other things that Americans buy these days without thinking, those tubes of Dr.Cool,Superdent and Everfresh Smile began their life in a factory in China-in this case, in Wuxi, a city of 4.5million about 130 km west of Shanghai.
他の多くのもののように、近頃アメリカ人は考えなしに買う。Cool博士のSuperdent and Everfresh Smileというチューブは中国ーこの場合、450万人、上海から130km西のWuxi(?)という都市ーの工場でその人生をはじめた。
They were sold by Goldcredit International EnterPrises,which is based in a gated community called Lakebank Elegant Garden,within sight of China`s Taihu Lake.
「which is」の後をどう訳せばいいか分かりません。。
What we exported is in line with the Chinese goverment standerds,Goldcredit business manager ShiJun says about the toothpaste.
Adds manager Hu Keyu, The Chinese goverment already issued a statement.what more do you want from us?
>Like so many other things that Americans buy these days without thinking, those tubes of Dr.Cool,Superdent and Everfresh Smile began their life in a factory in China-in this case, in Wuxi, a city of 4.5million about 130 km west of Shanghai.
アメリカ人がこのところ無意識に買っている他の多くのものと同じように、Dr.CoolやSuperdentやEverfresh Smile といったチューブ入り歯磨き粉は中国の工場で生まれ、この場合はWuxiという上海の西およそ130kmのところにある人口4万5千人の町で作られた。
>They were sold by Goldcredit International EnterPrises,which is based in a gated community called Lakebank Elegant Garden,within sight of China`s Taihu Lake.
それらはGoldcredit International EnterPrises によって売られた。その会社は中国のTaihu湖を望むLakebank Elegant Gardenという塀で囲まれた地区に基礎を置く。