• ベストアンサー


日記のようなものです。一応、翻訳でも調べてみました。人によって色んな表現の仕方があると思い参考にしたいと思います。よろしくお願いします。 1. 私の盆休みは忙しかった。 2. 14日の早朝、私達は懐中電灯を持って墓参りへ行った。   私はあまりいい気分ではなかった。なぜならまだ日が昇っていないので、墓地は暗かったのだ。 3. そして私達は私の実家へ行った。   私達は私の実家へ2日泊まった。 4. そして15日の夜、親戚が集まり、宴会が始まった。 5. 私の夫は言うまでも無く、高校野球を見ながらビールを飲んでいた。 6. 私達は17日から18日までは私の夫の実家へ行った。   そして17日の夜もまた、宴会が始まった。 7. 私はお酒が飲めないので、接客係りになってしまった。 8. もちろん皆、酔っていたので後片付けは私がした。 9. こんな時、私はお酒が飲めないので、とても損だと思いました。    どうぞよろしくお願いします<m(__)m>


  • ベストアンサー
  • fullow
  • ベストアンサー率26% (69/264)

参考にしてください。7番は自信がありません。 1. My vacation for Bon was busy. 2. In early morning of 14th, we visited to our ancestor's grave with a flashlight. I wasn't feel OK, because the sun wasn't rise up and the cemetry was dark! 3. And we went to my parents' house and spend two days. 4. And on evening of 15th, my relative gathered and have some party. 5. Maybe I don't have to mention this, but my husband was watching a high-school baseball on TV and drinking. 6. On 17th and 18th, we went to my husband's parents' house. Again, we had a party. 7. I cannot drink alcoholic, so I just help everyone 's drinking 8. As usual, everyone got drunk, so I did all clean up! 9. I think this is my disadvantage to not able to drink alcoholic, like this time!



回答ありがとうございました\(^o^)/ こういう訳し方もあるんですよね♪ 英語って難しいですね。私なんて直訳すぎてしまって・・・ とっても参考になりました(^○^) ありがとうございました<m(__)m> また機会があればよろしくおねがいします<m(__)m>

その他の回答 (2)

  • cincinnati
  • ベストアンサー率46% (606/1293)

勝手に意味を意訳して英語にしてみました。適当な言葉を知らないと言うことがよくわかり勉強になりました。 The bon vacation that I had this summer was quite busy. In the early morning of 14th, we went the graveyard and showed our respect to our ancestors who rested there. I was not so happy about it because it was still dark in graveyard since the sun did not rise yet.    Then, we went to my parents' house and stayed there for two night.   In the night of 15th, my relatives got gather and started to have a feast. My husband was drinking beer while watching one of high school baseball games as usual. We went to the house which was my husband's home. Again, there was a drinking feast started as I expected in the evening of 17th.   Since I was not a person who drink any kinds of alcohol, I was put in charge of serving the others. As you expected, I had to clean up all mess after the feast since all drunk too much. I felt that it was not fair, it is because I was not able to drink sake.



回答ありがとうございます。 本当に人によって色んな表現の仕方がるんですね~♪ ありがたく参考にさせて頂きたいと思います。 また機会があれば宜しくおねがいしますね♪

  • Mell-Lily
  • ベストアンサー率27% (258/936)

I was very busy in the Bon festival holidays this year. On the early morning of Aungust 14th, we visited my family's grave with a flashlight. The sun was not risen yet and it was still dim in the surroundings, so I felt a little wierd. We visited my parents' home and stayed there for two days. On the evening of 15th, a dinner party was held with my relatives. Needless to say, my husband was drinking beer watching high-school baseball games on TV. We stayed in my husband's parents' home from 17th to 18th. On the evening of 17th, a dinner party was also held. I can't drink and worked as a waitress. Of course, evryone got drunk, so I cleared the table. I thought that I had a disadvantage not to be able to drink at such times.



回答ありがとうございます♪ こういう表現の仕方もあるんですね~♪ 英語って奥が深いですよね(>_<) とても参考になりました。 ありがとうございました。また機会があれば宜しくおねがいします。