- ベストアンサー
現在、卵黄油をTLCにて分けてますが、いざNMRにかけるといまいちな結果になってしまいます。 現在はsolvent クロロ:ヘキサン=9:1 で展開して、クロロ:メタノール=5:1で取っています。 よい方法がありましたら教えてください。
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
(1) Oil of egg-yolk is obtained from fresh egg yolks by extraction with ethlene dichloride. (2) It(egg-yolk-oil=EYO) contains fatty glycerides, cholesterol, lecithin. (3) Glycrides parts are a mixture of glycerides of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. (4) Palmitic, stearic, oleic,linoleic, and clupanodonic acids have been isolated from the glyceride and lecitin fractions. (5) Ue no Setumei wakarimasuka ? (6) TLC deha sou kantan ni bunri(separation) dkinai deshou. (7) NMR ha tuujo separate-sitamono o bunseki suru mono de. Naniga aruka wakara naidesuyo. (8) Cloro=CHCl3 ? kore ha carcinogen"Hatsugan-busshitsu" desu. (9) Anata no experiment ha hajimete de naku mou nan sen nin no chemists ga sita mono de Bunken(Chemical literature) o mita hou ga kashikoi desu. (10) EYO ha iroiro na oil no kongoubutsu de TLC yori mo LC no hou ga separation siyasui hazu desu. Good luck from Swiss !
その他の回答 (1)
- swisszh00
- ベストアンサー率40% (31/76)
2nan be separatedd answer to your question (1) Uninflammation compounds!! Do you mean glycerides ? Then LC(liquid chromatography) can be used. Mono-, di-, and tri-glycerides may well be separated by HPLC and LC-MS. (2) First LC-condition must be well established by using di- and tri-glycosides of known compounds. Then unknown(?) yolk-oil may be tried. (3) When you find the good separation method by TLC, then TLC is ok. But just try and see is not good at all. (4) Do not ignore well established old method reported earlier. (5) Also try with known compounds, if available. EY-oil is well known.!!! Good luck from Swiss !
回答ありがとうございます。 少し前に、HPLCで行っていましたが、ピークが多すぎたのでTLCをしてからHPLCを行っています。 しかし、収量が1.2gに対し、0.008gと少ないので、HPLCに流すとすぐになくなってしまい、回収時にまた少し減ってしまいます。 まずは分画をしたいのです。 そこで、TLCをおこなっています。
Thank you for answering my question. It finds that lecithin and cholesterol are contained. However, it isn't possible to do the discovery of the uninflammation ingredient and it is troubled. On what will it be thought of as the uninflammation ingredient?
補足させていただきます。 単離といってもあくまでも成分です。 それと、抗炎症成分の検索です。 どうすればよいでしょうか?