(マッツォーニ作詞 イタリア語)
Ave Maria, madre Santa,
Sorreggi il pie del misero che t'implora,
In sul cammin del rio dolor
E fede, e speme gl'infondi in cor.
O pietosa, tu che soffristi tanto,
Vedi, ah! Vedi il mio penar.
Nelle crudeli ambasce d'un infinito pianto,
Deh! Non m'abbandonar.
Ave Maria! In preda al duol,
Non mi lasciar, o madre mia, pieta!
O madre mia, pieta! In preda al duol,
Non mi lasciar, non mi lasciar.
Hail Mary, holy Mother,
Guide the feet of the wretched one who implores thee
Along the path of bitter grief
And fill the hearts with faith and hope.
O merciful Mother, thou who suffered so greatly,
See, ah! See my anguish.
Ah! Do not abandon me
In the cruel torment of endless weeping.
Hail mary! Oppressed by grief,
Do not leave me, O Mother, have mercy!
O Mother, have mercy! Oppressed by grief,
Do not leave me.
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