Q. Depressed best friend: A good friend of mine, Z, is depressed. I noticed before anyone else, as I recognized her change in demeanor and the things she said from when I was depressed myself. I told a mutual best friend of ours, A, about my concerns, and recently Z admitted to A that she is not doing well. We have decided it would be best to talk with Z before we do anything else. But I think that talking with her with the two of us might feel like an ambush to Z. I’m also scared that this may cause me to relapse (although I don’t know how real the chances of that are). However, I think I am better at seeing certain signs of mental health issues than A (with which A agrees), as I suffer(ed) from them myself. We could also go straight to a school counselor (we are in the last year of high school), but that may mean that I would be forced to tell them about my own issues, which I would very much prefer not to. What do you think we should do?
A: If you believe your friend is an immediate danger to herself or others, then yes, a visit to the school counselor is warranted, and that right away.
that right awayのthatは何でしょうか?文法的にも教えてください。よろしくお願いします
はじめまして。 前の文章は、もしかしてデートに誘ってる?^^。実を言うと今彼女を探してるんだ。が入ってました。 友達としてでも遊べるなら嬉しいですよね★ 分かりやすい回答ありがとうございました!メモって勉強道具に使います! 自分のこと知ってもらえるように頑張ります!