I can’t understand.
I stare at them, frowning, and the colours shift under the intensity of my gaze: change for a moment and are darker, as if a cloud has come over the sky and cut out all the light of the sun—(前回の終わりの部分です)
Darkness but the light of stars—
It’s dark; the shadows of the rocks and cliffs are very deep. It is night-time, and the cliffs and the vegetation that straggles along their top are leached of colour. Somewhere close by is the sea: the sound of it, slowly rhythmic; the interlocking patterns of the waves discernible by moonlight, some blue-black here beween the pearlescent ribbons of light that blur across the low crests. Off to one side are three rocks breaking out of the water, and to the other is a little promontory of land that curves out into the water, defining a naturally calm place sheltered from the greater expanse of the sea beyond. The shadow of the rock where it hits the water kills the moonlight, and makes a dark, impenetrable hollow by the curving underside of the promontory.
Standing on the curve of land—
Somewhere close by is the seaの読み方は倒置で、the sea is somewhere close byですか?(海はどこか近くにある?)もしそうだとしたら、なぜわざわざ倒置にしているのでしょうか?
the interlocking patterns of the waves discernible by moonlight, some blue-black here beween the pearlescent ribbons of light that blur across the low crests. について、表現を読み取るのが難しいのですが。。。
to the other is a little promontory of land that curves out into the water, defining a naturally calm place sheltered from the greater expanse of the sea beyond.の
curves out into the water,の部分は、水の中に外にカーブする、という意味ですか?意味が掴みにくいです。どういう事でしょうか?
defining a naturally calm placeの部分は、穏やかな場所を明らかにして、という意味ですか?definingの意味の取り方がよくわかりません。
The shadow of the rock where it hits the water kills the moonlight, and makes a dark, impenetrable hollow by the curving underside of the promontory.の it hits the water kills the moonlight,についてですが、itはthe shadow of the rockだと思うのですが、それが水が月の光を殺す、というのはどういう状態なのでしょうか?
そうなんですか・・・。JASRACって、ダウンロードはダメでも、聞くだけならOKだと思ってました;;; ありがとうございました。