I'm a college sophomore. Recently, I baby-sat for a friend of a friend who is a few years older and lives in town with her husband and two kids. One was an infant, and the other was a toddler. It was a relatively easy baby-sitting gig; the little one mostly just slept, and the older one, though a bit of a handful at times, was not too much trouble. I watched them for about three hours while the parents went on a date. At the end of the night, the mom and I chatted for a few minutes. Then she said, "Well, it would be tacky to pay you, so I'll just take you to lunch sometime." I felt awkward and said, "Oh, OK. Sure." I wasn't sure what else to say. I got my things and left.
It's not as if she and I were friends; this was my first time meeting her.
my first time meeting herはmy first time to meet herとは言えないでしょうか?両者はどのような違いがあるでしょうか?よろしくお願いします
15時間寝ていてはいけませんねえ。甘えについて興味深いお話をありがとうございます。何か言う前に褒めてしまうのはいい方法ですね。知り合いからも今度私の英語力をテストしてやると言われています。私なら"ElginのGrand victoriaはもっと「大きい」と聞いたことがあります。それについて教えてください"と相手に言わせてしまいます。自分で全部言うなら紋切り型の文をいくつも言って大体通じるだろうというところです。今度会った時に言ってみますね。再度ありがとうございました。