I am confirming that there is no problem with this document.
I heard that in order to import the actual product to Japan, an invoice indicating that the importer (me) has already paid for the importer (Karl) in the export source column of CITES is required.
現品を日本に輸入するためには、CITESの輸出元の欄に記名されている人(Karl) に輸入した者(me) が代金支払済みであることを示すインボイスが必要だと聞いています。
But it is you (Thomas) that paid the money, so could you get a certificate stating that you asked Karl to make CITES?
しかし、お金を支払ったのはあなた(Thomas) ですので、あなたがKarlにCITESの作製を依頼したことを明記した証明書をもらうことはできませんか?
I'm sure there is no problem if you and Karl's hand-written signature is in the designated space of the certificate. Thank you for your helpful cooperation.