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My Son's Contentious Relationship with His Stepmom
- My 15-year-old son and his stepmom have a contentious relationship due to his history of lying.
- Despite my efforts to discipline him, his stepmom sees his lying as a reflection of my parenting and creates tension between them.
- I need advice on how to improve their relationship and address my son's lying behavior.
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
"she 【takes the fact that】 I can't eradicate the lying as a failure of my parenting" 「彼女は、私が(息子の)虚言癖を根絶できない【という事実を】、私のしつけの失敗だと【捉えている】。」 the fact that ~ = ~という事実 takes = 捉える(認識する)