Boss's Broken Promise: The Frustration of Not Getting a Promised Raise
A 27-year-old woman in a male-dominated workplace was promised a raise but did not receive it.
She had asked for the promised raise in writing, but her boss failed to set it up.
When she raised the issue with her boss and HR, she was attacked and criticized.
set up the raise
I am a 27-year-old woman in a male-dominated workplace (scientific field, very competitive). Last year, I was moved onto a project with a lot more responsibility. I asked if this change of role would come with more money, and my boss assured me that I would get a raise starting in January. He asserted this repeatedly, but I stupidly didn’t get it in writing. When January came around, he had done nothing to set up the raise. He said that he had made a mistake, and paying me more would not be possible, but I could compete for a higher-level position in 2018. I documented what happened and (after being encouraged by my supervisor) requested a meeting with my boss and HR. In the meeting, my boss attacked my qualifications and said I was “impatient” and “demanding.” The HR rep stayed silent. I felt like I was being punished for following up on a commitment he chose to make.
set up the raiseとfollowing up on a commitment he chose to makeの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします
1。set up the raiseの意味を教えてください。
set up は、下記の句動詞の10「綿密に準備する」です。
2。following up on a commitment he chose to makeの意味を教えてください。
follow up は、下記の句他動詞の4あるいは5の意味です。、