My Sister's Overly Generous and Intrusive Behavior
Discover the shocking behavior of my sister, who leaves extravagant tips and is excessively generous. Find out how her actions have caused tension in our relationship.
Learn about the time my sister let her house go to mold and how I intervened to find a buyer. Understand the consequences of her actions on her living situation.
Read about my uncomfortable lunch with my sister, where she scrutinized my tip and added to it. Explore my feelings about her excessive tipping and decide whether I should continue meeting her.
My sister always leaves big tips -- like $5 for a cup of coffee. She also is overly generous in other ways. She gave our teenage niece several pairs of expensive boots and was furious when the girl then sold them on eBay.
Six years ago, my sister let her house go to mold. When the local police began asking about her, I stepped in and found someone willing to buy her home and rehab it. She has since lived in an extended-stay hotel and is now on anti-depressants.
I recently met her for lunch. We both ordered soup for a total of $8. I left a 20 percent tip, but as I was walking out the door, I caught her checking out my tip and then adding to it. She brags about her big tips. Frankly, I don't want to meet up with her anymore.
go to moldとrehab itの意味を教えてください。extended-stay hotelは「長期滞在者用のホテル」でしょうか?あと、 meet up with herはmeet herと言うのとはどう違うのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします