In all, 888 of Kamaishi's approximately 40,000 residents are known to have died; 158 more are listed as missing and presumed dead.―The New York Times, March 10, 2012.
Ms. Kikuchi is accused of manufacturing the sarin gas used in the attack, which killed 13 commuters and sickedned at least 5,000 more.―The New York Times, June 3, 2012.
Police believe that Takahashi, 54, drove one of the cars used by cult members who pierced packets of liquid sarin in five train carriages, killing 13 people and injuring as many as 5,000 more commuters.―The Telegraph, June 17, 2012.
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Police say Kikuchi helped make the sarin nerve gas that killed 13 people and injured 6,000 others.―The Guardian, June 10, 2012.
『英辞郎on the WEB』には、The bombing killed 16 people including terorrists and injured 80 others.
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