• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:添削してください(1))

Abolishing Tax Deductions: Implications for Citizens

  • Nowadays, taxes such as state or local income tax and property tax can be deducted from federal income tax. To choose this option, these taxes are excluded from deduction reduction. In other words, this is abolish the tax that have been deducted from the federal income tax until now. As a result, citizens will bear the burden of the taxes that cannot be deducted.
  • Citizens currently have the option to deduct taxes like state or local income tax and property tax from their federal income tax. By choosing this option, these taxes are not subject to deduction reduction. This effectively means that the taxes previously deducted from federal income tax will be abolished. However, citizens will now have to bear the burden of the taxes that cannot be deducted.
  • At present, individuals have the choice to deduct taxes such as state and local income tax and property tax from their federal income tax. Opting for this choice means that these taxes will not be subject to deduction reduction. Essentially, it entails the abolishment of the taxes that were previously deducted from federal income tax. Consequently, citizens will be required to shoulder the burden of the taxes that are no longer deductible.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12613)

以下のとおりお答えします。 前便同様、(比較対照しやすいように)日本語文・英文・説明・添削文をすべて列挙します。 >現在、州・地方の所得税や固定資産税などの税額を連邦所得税から控除できる仕組みになっている。このオプションを選択すると、これらの税額は控除減額の対象から外れる。 >Nowadays, taxes such as state or local income tax and property tax can be deducted from federal income tax. To chose this option, these taxes are excluded from deduction reduction. *「このオプションを選択すると」:In case of choosing this option。(choseは過去形ですから、少なくとも、to 不定詞を使うならTo choose this optionとする)。 *「控除減額の対象から外れる」→「~から外されるだろう」とするのがいいでしょう。 ⇒Nowadays, taxes such as state or local income tax and property tax can be deducted from federal income tax. In case of choosing this option, these taxes would be excluded from its reduction by deduction. >つまりこれは、これまで連邦所得税から控除していた税を廃止するという内容だ。控除できない分、市民に負担がかかってしまうのは事実だ。 >In other words, this is abolish the tax that have been deducted from the federal income tax until now. It is fact that a burden will be imposed on citizens because it can be deducted. *「連邦所得税から控除していた税を廃止する」の部分はまったく前文の繰り返しです。この同義反復を避け、ついでに「deductedという表現が多い」ことを解消するために、次のように変更することをお勧めします。→「つまりこれは、これまで実施されてきた税をめぐる特典を廃止するということである。増加する負担が、州・地方の住民にかかってきてしまうのは紛れもない事実である」。 ⇒In other words, this is abolish of the advantage around the tax laws that have been carried out until now. It is an evident fact that an increased burden will be imposed on the state or local inhabitants.



回答ありがとうございます。 in case of~ /もし~の場合 なので、その後に続く文が「だろう」となりwouldになるというわけですね! 仮定法でもそうですよね! 英文以前に、日本語でちゃんと確認すれば、全文の繰り返しにはならなかったですよね…。 日本語から訂正していただきありがとうございます。 いつも大変参考・勉強になっています。