- ベストアンサー
Six years ago, I graduated and got a job in New York. Max and I have stayed in touch, and he visits about once a year. He's still in the same town, working at a different restaurant. I don't say that judgmentally. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. The problem is that Max does. I don't say that judgmentally.の訳を教えてください。あと、The problem is that Max does.のdoesは何を示しているのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
1。I don't say that judgmentally.の訳を教えてください。 私は(同じところで6年間働くことが)いいとも、悪いとも言わない。 2。あと、The problem is that Max does.のdoesは何を示しているのでしょうか? But Max thinks there's something wrong with it でしょう。