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Zaha Hadid: A Visionary Architect from Baghdad

  • Zaha Hadid, a renowned architect, was born in Baghdad, the capital of Iraq. Her father, a leader of a liberal political party, had a significant influence on her upbringing. Her interest in architecture blossomed when she visited the ruins of the Sumerian civilization in southern Iraq.
  • Zaha Hadid, an influential architect, hails from Baghdad, Iraq. Her father, a prominent figure in liberal politics, played an important role in shaping her perspective. It was during her visit to the ancient ruins of the Sumerian civilization in southern Iraq that her fascination with architecture began to take hold.
  • Zaha Hadid, a visionary architect, was born in the capital city of Iraq, Baghdad. Her father's involvement in liberal politics greatly shaped her upbringing. Her exploration of the ruins of the Sumerian civilization in southern Iraq ignited her interest in architecture, setting her on a path to become one of the most innovative architects of our time.


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

Zaha Hadid was born in Baghad, the capiral of Iraq. Her father was a politician and a leader of a liberal political party.  Her interest in architecture grew when she visited the ruins of the Sumerian civilization remaining in southern Iraq.  was ということは、お父さんは亡くなっているんですね。あとはいいと思います。



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