- ベストアンサー
In Which Way Would You Choose to Die? Shot or Hanged?
- In this question, the person is asking about the preferred method of death, specifically whether the person would prefer to be shot or hanged.
- The second question is asking the same thing, but in a slightly different way. It is asking which method the person would choose: death by hanging or death by being shot.
- If there is another way to express the question 'Which way would you choose to die? Shot or hanged?', please let me know.
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
1. Shot or hanged? は、By being shot or hanged? が略されていると考えられます。 In which ... は、どう言う方法(状態)の中で死にたいか?と言う質問ですが、選択肢は、銃で打たれてか、絞首刑でか?それならBy which way do you want to be killed? の方が整合性はありますが、まあ大きな問題ではないでしょう。 2.この場合chooseは自動詞でしょう。choose between death by hanging or gundown? あるいは、choose to die between ... ? がただしと思います。 > またwhich wayは副詞的に使われいる、つまり「By which way would you choose death hanging or gundown 」となるこれを前置詞byを後方に移動させたものが2の文との理解でよろしいでしょうか? あんまりややこしく考えずに、通常の文を想定しながら疑問文を考えたほうが良いですよ。 You want to choose die by hanging or shooting. By which way would you choose to die between them? 他の言い方。 How do you want to die? Hanging or gundown? 絞首刑または銃殺で? How do you want to be killed? Shot or hanged? 撃たれて、または吊るされて?
その他の回答 (1)
- SPS700
- ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)
「どちらの方法で死にたい?銃殺かそれとも首吊りか?」の英訳なのですが他に表現があれば教えて頂きたく思います。 How do you want to die, shot or hanged?