ExpressCurate WordPressのpluginの使い方についてなんですが、自動翻訳だと日本語が不自然でわかりません。どうか教えて下さい。
Welcome To ExpressCurate
Getting Started
Once the installation is completed, please login into your WordPress.
First, you will see the following screen:
The first thing you see here is the new menu ExpressCurate and new widgets in the dashboard.
From here, you can take the following actions:
Bring in your RSS feeds to get a content creation starting point
Curate an article using URLs
Add keywords and see how they are optimized
Enable SEO to start using ExpressCurate SEO features
Getting Started
Configuring RSS Feed - Getting Ideas On What To Write About
Finding things to write about is one of the biggest challenges in the process of content creation. Here is where content discovery can help. Let’s bring your favorite RSS feeds into ExpressCurate.
Open ExpressCurate > RSS Feeds
Add an RSS Feed URL in Add RSS feed and click on +
Your RSS source will appear in the list. Just add RSS feeds where you usually find interesting articles that you may want to write about. You can add multiple feeds.
Well done, now ExpressCurate will start pulling articles from these blogs. They will appear in the ExpressCurate > Content Feed section.
By default, it takes an hour to pull content. You can change that setting in ExpressCurate > Settings > Feed > Content Pull Frequency.
Depending on the server configuration it may require additional steps to configure the content pull. Check out other settings to fine tune the content discovery.
Getting Started
Understanding Content Feed Screen
Your typical content feed will look like the screenshot above. Discovered posts are displayed as cards. The cards will show whether there are images, videos and keyword matches. These elements define the quality of the card's/post's.
The layout can be changed from single column view to multi column view. The most recent posts are displayed first. You can Curate, Bookmark or Delete every post. You can also select multiple cards and perform bulk actions. As soon as you select posts the Curate, Bookmark and Delete actions will activate.
multiple selection and active actions
The box next to bulk actions shows when the feed will get updated next time. You are free to trigger the update manually too.
Creating a post from Content Feed
Open ExpressCurate > Content Feed. Choose a post you want to curate. Press the Curate button.
Add new post page will open. The selected post will be automatically loaded in ExpressCurate curation dialog.
By default you will get an image and text preset for curation.
Press Curate into post.
Ready. You just did your first curation.
Next steps:
1.add a headline before the curated text to introduce the curated block
2.add a personal annotation to bring in your perspective
3.Optimize the post with seo control center and advanced seo widgets
Read the next section on content curation best practices and how to use ExpressCurate to create high quality content.