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German heavy guns neutralised and trenches destroyed: A summary of the Zero-Day battle

  • On Zero-Day, over 80 percent of German heavy guns in the sector were neutralised by counter-battery fire. Gas shells were used to disrupt ammunition supply columns.
  • The preliminary bombardment of Vimy Ridge started on 20 March, and the bombardment of the rest of the sector on 4 April. The bombardment used over 2.6 million shells.
  • By the eve of battle, the front-line trenches ceased to exist and their barbed wire defences were blown to pieces. The trench system was lost in a crater field.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

>On Zero-Day, 9 April, over 80 percent of German heavy guns in the sector were neutralised (that is, "unable to bring effective fire to bear, the crews being disabled or driven off") by counter-battery fire. Gas shells were also used against the draught horses of the batteries and to disrupt ammunition supply columns. The preliminary bombardment of Vimy Ridge started on 20 March; and the bombardment of the rest of the sector on 4 April. ⇒開戦当日の4月9日、地区にあるドイツ軍重砲の80パーセント以上は、反砲撃の砲火によって無力化されていた(つまり、「作業班が身体的障害を負ったか追い払われたかして、効果的な発砲にそれを使うことができなくなっていた」)。砲兵隊の荷馬に対して、および、弾薬供給縦隊を途絶するために、ガス弾も使われた。ヴィミー・リッジへの予備爆撃が3月20日に始まり、4月4日に残り地区への爆撃が始まった。 >Limited to a front of only 24 miles (39 km), the bombardment used 2,689,000 shells, over a million more than had been used on the Somme. German casualties were not heavy but the men became exhausted by the endless task of keeping open dug-out entrances and demoralised by the absence of rations caused by the difficulties of preparing and moving hot food under bombardment. Some went without food altogether for two or three consecutive days. ⇒わずか24マイル(39キロ)の前線に限定された爆撃に、ソンムで使われた銃弾より100万発以上多くの2,689,000発を使用した。ドイツ軍の犠牲者は重くなかったが、兵士は入口を開いたままの待避壕で終りのない仕事に疲れ切り、おまけに爆撃下で食物の準備・運搬が困難であることに起因する割当食料の欠如によって士気を削がれた。2日か3日も続いて全く食物なしで過ごした兵士もいた。 >By the eve of battle, the front-line trenches had ceased to exist and their barbed wire defences were blown to pieces. The official history of the 2nd Bavarian Reserve Regiment describes the front line as "consisting no longer of trenches but of advanced nests of men scattered about". The 262nd Reserve Regiment history writes that its trench system was "lost in a crater field". ⇒戦いの前夜までには、最前線の塹壕は姿を消し、その有刺鉄線の防衛設備はバラバラに吹き飛ばされていた。第2バヴァリア(バイエルン)予備連隊の歴史官報は最前線を称して、「もはや塹壕でなく、兵士の散在する進軍の巣窟から成っていた」と述べている。第262予備連隊の歴史は、その塹壕システムが「喪失して、弾痕の場と化して」いた、と書いている。




