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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:日本語訳をお願いいたします。)

Support from Heavy Artillery and Movement of Ottoman Forces in Gaza

  • The Ottoman defences in Gaza were supported by heavy mountain howitzers and long guns from Austrian and German batteries. They also had Ottoman field artillery batteries.
  • The Ottoman 53rd Infantry Division, previously stationed at Jaffa, was ordered to march to Gaza. However, they were not expected to arrive until the morning of March 27th.
  • The commander of the Ottoman defences, Kress von Kressenstein, moved his headquarters from Beersheba to Tel esh Sheria. The British considered the Ottoman Army in Gaza to be deteriorating.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

>They were supported by 12 heavy mountain howitzers in two Austrian batteries, two 10-cm long guns in a German battery (from Pasha I) and two Ottoman field artillery batteries. ⇒彼ら(ガザ防衛隊)は、オーストリア2個中隊の山岳地用大型榴弾砲12門、ドイツ軍砲兵中隊の(パシャ第I隊から提供された)口径10cmの長銃砲2門、およびオスマントルコ軍の2個野戦砲兵隊などによって支えられていた。 >Further, the Ottoman 53rd Infantry Division, which had been garrisoned at Jaffa, was ordered to march south to Gaza, but was not expected before the morning of 27 March. Kress von Kressenstein, the commander of the Ottoman defences, moved his headquarters from Beersheba to Tel esh Sheria where it remained until June. ⇒さらに、ヤッファ守備隊であったオスマントルコ軍の第53歩兵師団がガザ南に行進するよう命令されたが、3月27日の朝以前は期待できなかった。オスマントルコ軍防衛隊の指揮官クレス・フォン・クレッセンシュタインは、彼の本部をベールシェバからテル・エッシュ・シャリーアに移動(後退)し、6月までそこに留まった。 >However, by 20 March the British considered the Ottoman Army defending Gaza and dominating the coastal route from Egypt to Jaffa, to be "steadily deteriorating." Indeed it had been reported that Kress von Kressenstein complained of "heavy losses" caused by deserters, and between the EEF victory at Rafa in early January and the end of February, 70 deserters had arrived in the EEF lines. ⇒しかし英国軍は、ガザを守り、エジプトからヤッファまでの沿岸ルートを支配するオスマントルコ方面軍が3月20日までには「着実に悪化している」と見た。実際、クレス・フォン・クレッセンシュタインは、逃亡者に起因する「甚大な損失」について不平をこぼしていると報告されていて、1月上旬から2月末までのラファにおけるEEFの勝利の間に70人の逃亡兵がEEF戦線内に(投降して)来た。




