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Command and Control in Position Warfare in World War I

  • The command structure in divisions during World War I was revised to prioritize areas over units.
  • Regimental commands were devolved to battalion commanders as a means to streamline the chain of command.
  • The importance of ground in defensive positions was determined by its tactical advantage and its value to the defenders.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12612)

>Command of areas rather than units was also introduced in divisions, with command of regiments devolved to the front battalion commander (Kampftruppenkommandeur), which reduced the chain of command from five to two posts. ⇒部隊の指揮よりもむしろ地域の指揮も師団に取り込まれ、連隊の司令部が前線の大隊指揮官(Kampftruppenkommandeur)に移されるとともに、5か所から2か所の哨戒陣地まで指揮系統が減らされた。 >The value of ground was to be determined by its importance to a defensive position. Where the lay of the land gave the defender a tactical advantage, by which an attacker could be defeated with the minimum of casualties to the defenders, with small-arms fire from dispersed, disguised positions and observed artillery-fire, it was to be fought for by the garrison and local reserves, which would counter-attack to regain any ground lost. ⇒地面の価値は、防御陣地に対するその重要性で測定されることになっていた。土地の状況が防御隊にとって戦術的な有利点になるところでは、防御隊は犠牲者を最小限に抑えつつ攻撃隊を敗走させることができるだろう。分散し、偽装した陣地の軽武装の火器、および観察に基づく砲火によって駐屯軍と地元の予備隊が一緒に戦うことになっているので、失われた地面のいずれもが奪回できる反撃となるはずである。 >The changes were codified in a training manual Grundsätze für die Führung in der Abwehrschlacht (The Conduct of the Defensive Battle in Position Warfare) issued on 1 December 1916, which made infantry sections (Gruppen) rather than the battalion the basic tactical unit. ⇒1916年12月1日に出された訓練の手引書「陣地戦争における防御戦の方法」(Grundsätze für die Führung in der Abwehrschlacht)で、変化項目が成文化された。それによって、歩兵連隊部門(Gruppen)が大隊に代って基本的な戦術単位となった。


