• ベストアンサー


By the beginning of 1917, the strategic outlook for the Germans made a retirement inevitable. German divisions on the Western Front numbered 133 on 25 January 1917, reducing the German manpower shortage but not by enough to contemplate an offensive. Greater output of explosives, ammunition and weapons by German industry to provide the means to counter the Allied Materialschlacht (battle of equipment) was attempted in the Hindenburg Programme of August 1916. Production did not sufficiently increased over the winter, with only 60 percent of the programme expected to be fulfilled by the summer of 1917. The German Friedensangebot (peace initiative) of December 1916, had been rejected by the Entente and the Auxiliary Service Law of December 1916, intended to further mobilise the civilian economy, had failed to supply the expected additional labour for war production.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

>By the beginning of 1917, the strategic outlook for the Germans made a retirement inevitable. German divisions on the Western Front numbered 133 on 25 January 1917, reducing the German manpower shortage but not by enough to contemplate an offensive. ⇒1917年の初めまでに、ドイツ軍の戦略的展望としては退却を回避することが不可能となった。西部戦線のドイツ軍師団は、人的資源の減少化で、1917年1月25日には133個を数えるのみだったが、攻撃を考えるのに不十分なほどの不足ではなかった。 >Greater output of explosives, ammunition and weapons by German industry to provide the means to counter the Allied Materialschlacht (battle of equipment) was attempted in the Hindenburg Programme of August 1916. Production did not sufficiently increased over the winter, with only 60 percent of the programme expected to be fulfilled by the summer of 1917. ⇒1916年8月の「ヒンデンブルク計画」で、連合国軍の物資闘争(器材・装備の闘争)に対抗するための手段を提供する、ドイツ産業での爆薬、弾薬、武器の産出力をより大きくする試みがなされた。(しかし)冬の間、生産は十分に増やされず、1917年夏までに成し遂げられることになっていた計画のわずか60%であった。 >The German Friedensangebot (peace initiative) of December 1916, had been rejected by the Entente and the Auxiliary Service Law of December 1916, intended to further mobilise the civilian economy, had failed to supply the expected additional labour for war production. ⇒1916年12月のドイツ軍の「和平提案」(平和条約発議)が協商国によって拒絶されたので、1916年12月の「補助軍務法」でさらなる一般市民の経済的動員を意図したが、戦争生産に期待された追加的労働力の供給は叶わなかった。




