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The Battle of Verdun: Memories of War and Symbols of Reconciliation

  • From 1918 to 1939, the French expressed two memories of the battle: a patriotic view embodied in memorials built on the battlefield and the memory of the survivors who recalled the death, suffering, and sacrifice of others.
  • In the 1960s, Verdun became a symbol of Franco-German reconciliation through the remembrance of common suffering.
  • In the 1980s, it became a capital of peace, with organizations formed and old museums dedicated to the ideals of peace and human rights. A strong gesture of Franco-German reconciliation happened in 1984 when the German Chancellor and French President held hands at the Douaumont cemetery.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

>From 1918 to 1939, the French expressed two memories of the battle, a patriotic view embodied in memorials built on the battlefield and the memory of the survivors who recalled the death, suffering and sacrifice of others. In the 1960s, Verdun became a symbol of Franco-German reconciliation, through remembrance of common suffering and in the 1980s it became a capital of peace. ⇒1918年から1939年までにフランス人は、戦場に築かれた記念碑に表現された愛国的な見解、および他人の死と苦悩と犠牲を思い起こした生存者の記憶、という2つの戦いの記憶を表現した。1960年代には、ヴェルダンが仏独の共通の苦悩を通して和解の象徴となり、そして1980年代には、それは平和の中心地になった。 >Organisations were formed and old museums were dedicated to the ideals of peace and human rights. On 22 September 1984, the German Chancellor Helmut Kohl (whose father had fought near Verdun) and French President François Mitterrand (who had been taken prisoner nearby in World War II), stood at the Douaumont cemetery, holding hands for several minutes in driving rain as a gesture of Franco-German reconciliation. ⇒組織がつくられて、古い博物館が平和と人権の理想に捧げられた。1984年9月22日、ドイツのヘルムート・コール首相(父親がヴェルダン近辺で戦った)と、フランスのフランソワ・ミッテラン大統領(第二次世界大戦の頃に捕虜になった)とが、ドゥオモン墓地に立っていた。そして、仏独和解のジェスチャーとして、雨の降りしきる中で数分間手を握り合った。




