• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:次の英文の意味がわかりません)

The Meaning of a Complicated English Sentence

  • In this sentence, the writer expresses uncertainty about the extent to which a certain outlook was held beyond a specific group of activists. The writer argues that without a better understanding of variables such as bilingualism, Mexican immigration and naturalization rates, and the resulting variations in ethnic consciousness, one cannot assume a direct link between the increase in Mexican Americans born in the U.S. and an increase in political activism among the ethnic Mexican population.
  • The writer is unsure about how widely a particular outlook was shared by people other than activists. To fully understand the implications of this outlook, it is necessary to consider variables like bilingualism, rates of Mexican immigration and naturalization, and the different levels of ethnic consciousness these variables create. Without this understanding, it cannot be assumed that an increase in the number of Mexican Americans born in the U.S. automatically leads to an increase in the political activism of the larger ethnic Mexican population.
  • This sentence raises questions about the reach of a certain outlook and its political implications. To answer these questions, a better understanding of variables like bilingualism, rates of Mexican immigration and naturalization, and the resulting variations in ethnic consciousness is needed. Without this understanding, it is not valid to assume that an increase in the proportion of Mexican Americans born in the U.S. will directly result in increased political activism among the ethnic Mexican population.


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

1。訳  しかしながら、これが、このような行動の外にまで広がるかどうかは明らかでない。  二重言語の諸形態やメキシコからの移民や帰化の率、こう言った変数が生み出す民族的自覚の相違といった重要な可変数の政治的に持つ含みが、今より良く理解されなければ、アメリカ合衆国内で生まれたメキシコ系米人の比率増加が、必ずしも民族的メキシコ系の政治活動の活発化に繋がるとは速断できない。 2。。variationsとvariablesはここでは別物をさしているのでしょうか?  variations は、いろいろな変形。  variables は、そのようないろいろな変形を生み出す要因、  という意味でしょう。ですから関係はあるが同じものではない、いわば、variables は原因、variations は、その結果だと思います。




