Japanese culture is now "in", especially as the demand for Japanese products has spread from
the showroom to supermarket shelves and restaurants. Sushi has become a national fad.
New York City has literally hundreds of Japanese restaurants, but you can find them in small towns as well.
Tofu is everywhere and is even used as a base for substitute ice cream.
On a recent trip to a supermarket in southern New Hampshire I found the following items: Cup Noodles,
Sapporo Ichi-ban romen, daikon, shoga, miso, gyoza, skins, shoyu, taro-imo, gobo, and shiso.
Futon have become popular as alternative mattresses and in some cities you can even have tatami installed
in your floors by Japanese craftsmen.
The growing strength of Japan has also had a drastic effect on the Japanese perception of America and Americans.
Japan has never before approached this kind of equality with the U.S. and sometimes has difficulty coping with the new reality. Now that Japan has attained great power status in the postwar world, it sometimes seems as if the Japanese do not
know what to do with that status. Certainly there is a great deal of well-deserved pride in what has been accomplished,
but there is also an unfortunate tend-ency to took down on the United States as a fallen giant.
It is almost as if some Japanese could not believe that they could have achieved equality with the U.S.;
the U.S. must have fallen to their level.
ご回答をありがとうございます。ホットドッグ早食い選手権のニュースはようやく昨日見ました。小林青年はすごい人ですね。 > だって、この二つここには売っていないんですよ. たこ焼きの冷凍があったかな. え!ポピュラーじゃないんですか!知りませんでした。西海岸の方なら沢山あるでしょうか。私はてっきりお好み焼き、たこ焼きは有名だと思って質問させていただきました。ニューヨークの友達が、よく中華の出前を食べているのを目にしたものですから(webcam)。 > dunplingにしろomletにしろ、そのもののイメージが相手に果たして伝わるかどうかは疑問です. 匂い、味、雰囲気、この辺は余計に説明できませんね. だしもそうですね. 英語では味覚の中に今ではumamiという単語もできており専門家は味覚の一つとしています. そうなんですね。一言でdumpling、omletと言っても日本人の私たちには想像もつかない料理かも知れないのと同じく、 あの説明を読んだ外国人はどんなイメージを持つんでしょうか。醤油も豆腐も寿司もすき焼きも有名だからお好み焼き、たこ焼きもそこらへんで売っているんじゃないんですね。よくわかりました。料理の鉄人もどっちの料理ショーももっともっと海外の人に見て欲しいなと思いました。7月7日08:56