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Colonel Khalil Pasha's 13th Corps: A Key Player in the Mesopotamian Theater
- Colonel Khalil Pasha's XIII Corps, consisting of the 35th and 52nd Infantry Divisions, played a crucial role in the Mesopotamian theater.
- The 52nd Division joined the Battle of Ctesiphon and the siege of Kut, while the 35th Division was originally tasked with defending Basra and Baghdad.
- Despite challenges such as morale issues and discipline problems, the combined strength of the 35th and 52nd Divisions amounted to approximately 9000 infantry, 20 artillery pieces, a cavalry brigade, and Arab irregulars.
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以下のとおりお答えします。 >Colonel Khalil Pasha's XIII Corps, composed up of 35th and 52nd Infantry Divisions, moved down river to block any advance by the Tigris Corps. The 52nd Division had arrived in region in time to take part in the Battle of Ctesiphon and the early stages of the siege of Kut. It was a war formed division which originally served in Caucasus region before being rushed to the Mesopotamian theater. ⇒第35, 52歩兵師団によって組み立てられたハリル・パシャ大佐の第13軍団は、チグリス軍団によるいかなる進軍をも防御すべく川下に移動した。第52師団は、テシフォンの会戦およびクツの包囲攻撃の初期段階に参戦するため、然るべき時間に該当領域に到着した。元来それは、メソポタミアの現地に急送される前にコーカサス山脈地域で戦役に奉仕していた即戦型の師団であった。 >The 35th Division, on the other hand, was a pre-war division that had originally been assigned to defend the Basra and Baghdad vilayets. Along with the 38th Division, they had unsuccessfully opposed the I.E.F. "D" initial advances. After suffering heavy casualties, the survivors of the 35th and 38th Divisions had been consolidated into a single division. While this brought the 35th Division up to something close to an effective combat strength, it also brought with it the morale problems which had existed in the 38th Division. ⇒他方、第35師団は元来バスラ州やバグダッド州を防御するために割り当てられた戦前(戦争以前)型の師団であった。それで第38師団とともに、遠征軍D(隊)の最初の進軍に反対したが、聞き入れられなかったのである。重大な死傷者数を蒙った後に、第35, 38師団の生存者が、単一の師団に統合された。このことは、第35師団には効果的な戦闘力に近いものをもたらしたが、一方第38師団にとっては、士気(低下)の問題をもたらしたのである。 >The 38th Division had been composed primarily of levies from the Arab and Kurdish populations. Neither group felt any particular attachment to the Ottoman government. Their loyalty was suspect, and discipline was always a problem. Between them, the 35th and 52nd Divisions would be able to muster approximately 9000 infantry, 20 artillery pieces, a brigade of cavalry, as well as a group of mounted Arab irregulars. ⇒本来、第38師団はアラブ族やクルド族からの徴兵によって構成されていた。どちらの集団もオスマントルコ政府に対していかなる特別の愛着も感じてはいなかった。彼らの忠誠は疑わしく、訓練(状況)はいつも問題であった。彼ら第35, 52師団の間では、約9000人の歩兵、20門の大砲、1個の騎兵旅団のほか、不規則な(編成されていない)アラブの騎馬隊を召集できたものと見られる。