1. My uncle in Paris sent (1)me (2)a nice watch.
(1)me : (d)目的語(O)
(2)a nice watch : (d)目的語(O)
2. All the students (3)in the university work (4)hard.
(3)in the university work : (e)修飾語(M)
(4)hard : (e)修飾語(M)
3. Write (5)your address (6)on the paper.
(5)your address : (d)目的語(O)
(6)on the paper : (e)修飾語(M)
4. No one (7)pays (8)any attention to her.
(7)pays : (b)述語動詞(V)
(8)any attention : (d)目的語(O)
5. I think (9)her (10)very kind.
(9)her : (d)目的語(O)
(10)very kind : (c)補語(C)
6. She asked (11)us (12)several questions.
(11)us : (d)目的語(O)
(12)several questions : (d)目的語(O)
7. I nemed (13)the dog (14)"kiwi".
(13)the dog : (d)目的語(O)
(14)"Kiwi" : (c)補語(C)
8. The dog (15)barked (16)furiously.
(15)barked : (b)述語動詞(V)
(16)furiously : (e)修飾語(M)
9. Will you get (17)me (18)a ticket?
(17)me : (d)目的語(O)
(18)a ticket : (d)目的語(O)
10. (19)The bus stopped (20)here.
(19)The bus : (a)主語(S)
(20)here : (e)修飾語(M)