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分からない所も結構あったのですが、一応聞き取れた範囲で書いてみます。 Interviewer: What do you hope people who have the book take away from the film, those to whom the story is new? Lee: I had my take from the book, and that's a gut feeling, and that's not a literal one. It's a visceral feeling and I would like to feed it back to the world through cinema. Cinema and book, they are very different media, they work in very different ways, and I hope the book reader that watches the movie thinking, in spirit very loyal to the book but the movie stands on its own. It's a new experience. The same subject matter, even some same lines and scenes, but a very different take on the subject matter, different sensation. One is very indirect and the other is direct. Movie is very direct, yeah. Interviewer: ? filming Suraj's mother performed a ceremony. Can you tell us a little about that? And what did that mean to you? Lee: I think what I, what it meant to me and to them is probably very different. I think in India they just put a thing all your perform cereony, it shows the kids some ? and ?. He lay on the floor, down to the floor, touch my feet, to show some ? and ? Anything that guru say he will do, and he will take my lead. And there is ding-dongs and there are incense and candles and ... a little bit of a ceremony. It's simple but very sincere, very moving. But to me I came from Chinese culture. It's bilateral, I have to be a good example for him. We chose eachother, I chose to be his director, I chose to be his guru. It's a big burden other than directing, and naturally I'll be his guru anyway because he is young, he is inexperienced. Not only do I have to watch how he acts, but how he acts in life. How he absorbs the experience from us adults. I hope his education is a good experience for him. I hope that doesn't ruin his life but only brings goodness to him. I have to set a good example for him. I've never cracked a jock, ever since that. I've never cracked a jocke in front of him. Interviewer: So the final shot of the film has an emotional story behind it. Can you tell us about that moment, behind Suraj and the crew? Lee: Oh, Suraj and the crew. Interviewer: And what that was. Lee: You know Suraj because he is young and inexperienced, and everybody has a Pi in their mind I put on him. He was over-burdened with all this request and everything. He always gives his best. On the surface, for months he is the only subject we shoot, every shot, and we were shooting in order because he has to lose weight, and he has to go through the same journey Pi goes through, both physically and spiritually. Eventually, everybody tells him what to do but he becomes the sprititual leader to all of us because of how he behaves, how he looks, lead us into making this movie. And his innocence and his effort was pure, it really reminded all of us experienced film makers why we want to make movies in the first place, why we gather here, to make this particular movie. So we do take that journey together, but he is at the center of attention. So at the last shot, we were shooting, he'd found out the fruit thing at night, so everything is in glowing green lights, we put him up on a tree two-stories high. When I finally wrapped it, I didn't give him, a ladder. I wouldn't let him down. So everybody gathered and we praised him how much we loved him. It was a very touching moment for him and for everybody. He broke down and a lot of people cries. We love him dearly. Ang Lee監督の柔和な人柄が伝わってくるインタビューですね。 私はまだこの映画を観ていませんが、興味を持ちました。



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