Sanat Kumara, gracious Lord and King-
Before your throne, our homage now we bring.
Offerings and gifts of humble service true,
Reverence and gratitude to God for you!
Humbly we bow before your glorious throne,
Clothe us in love and make us all your own!
Give us your courage, strength and patience rare;
Flood through us Venus’ love for all to share.
Flood us with light, sustain us by your power,
Give us your wisdom, guide us every hour,
Seal us in peace- in love’s own God-control;
Let your great wings of love our worlds enfold.
You are God’s glory, majesty and grace!
Your patient care has held for Earth her place.
All through the ages that have gone before-
Your love has been for Earth the open door.
Now lift our Earth from strain and stress today,
Free all her life - so earnestly we pray!
Forces of nature, elementals, too,
Sanat Kumara, dear! ALL call to you!
Glory and honor unto you belong!
Let all men free you now in grateful song!
Let all that lives upon this planet raise
Heart, soul and spirit to your name in praise!
Great Central Sun, your gifts of love we call.
For our dear friend of Light and Lord of All!
Bless his dear Venus - Goddess from the Sun;
Bless their dear planet and all life thereon!
( ^_^)なるほど! うまく出来てますね。ご回答感謝します!